Here at AttikoArt, we believe that owning art should be joyful and fun. One of the many charms about it is the ability to see your artwork in a new way all the time…
The first step, as we tell our customers, is to take a look around your favourite room. Imagine which walls could do with a little inspiration. What do we mean by that? Start with where you look first thing in the morning perhaps. That’s the place for some real swirling colour to help you out of your dreams and into your day.
We’ll leave you to browse through our art selection to find your favourite – and here’s a key tip once you have the piece or pieces you’ve chosen: have fun with it!
By all means, group artworks together in the place that your mind’s eye first choses. As the poet Walt Whitman once wisely said, “First thought, best thought.”
Then, after a month or three, think of moving your pieces. Art commands our attention best when it’s unexpected, so don’t hesitate to rehang as frequently as you like. You’ll be surprised at the results and at how you see the work in a new way.
For those of you that aren’t keen on the idea of having to whip out the hammer and nails every time you want to rearrange, try leaning your art for a more casual and flexible approach…